Functional movement videos & more on our YouTube Channel
Detoxing your home, your life, your body (and your liver) is one of the best things you can do to support your hormones, the health of your loved ones, and even slow down aging! Cultivating nontoxic l... ...more
April 18, 2024•8 min read
So often I hear "I can't wait to Spring Ahead" from patients, looking forward to "longer days" - but what is the real (eg. biological) cost of this constant back & forth...and is it worth it? ...more
March 05, 2024•6 min read
Over the past couple years, I've started to notice more of our patients report that their first period of the year is rough. Often out of the norm, irregular for them, to the point where they really t... ...more
HealthBlogs ,Hormones
January 18, 2024•7 min read
We are getting a new website! If you're seeing this page, the tech team is still working out the kinks - we'll be back to normal (and hopefully better than ever) just as soon as we can, but if you need us in the meantime...
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Dr. Krystalyn Lowery & Your Navigate Wellness Team