These are products and services that Christy Price uses in case you’d like to check them out.
Note: Some of these are affiliate links - if you click through and pay for a product, I’ll be compensated at no cost to you (full disclaimer).
Website & Design
SQSP Themes plugins: CP15 saves 15%
Ghost Plugins & templates: christyprice saves 10%
Will Myers plugins: christyprice saves 10%
Chris Schwartz-Edmisten plugins: christyprice saves 10%
Coolors for color palette exploration
Termageddon auto-updating website policies: CHRISTY saves 10%
The Creative Law Shop contracts: CHRISTY10 saves 10%
SEOSpace Plugin: CHRISTY30 saves 30% off your first month OR year
Mariah's Squarespace SEO workshop: CHRISTYPRICE saves 20%
Courses, Webinars, and Email Marketing
Podia does all that plus community AND is the most delightful interface I’ve come across in a long while
Liz Wilcox’s $9/mo email marketing membership helps get me unstuck when it’s time to write
Connecting Platforms
Zapier helps me deliver my templates automatically
YouTube Content Creation
TubeBuddy for research and optimization
RightBlogger for quick descriptions and timestamps, turning videos into Blogs, and so much more
Airalo eSIM comes in clutch when the hotel wifi is painful: CHRISTYPRICE saves 10% off eSIMs at or in the app
Client Gifts
Greetabl client gifts: christyprice saves 15%
Sugarwish client gifts: get $5 when you use this link
Wave. It’s free and doesn’t hurt my brain like QuickBooks.
Kerstin’s Calm Business for solopreneurs